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Aloe Vera Juice Benefits

Aloe Vera juice benefits have been known for more than 5000 years, Aloe Vera being used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans for its magnificent therapeutic and healing properties.
Aloe Vera – An Abundance of Nutrients
Often called the ‘Miracle Plant’ or the ‘Natural Healer’, Aloe Vera plant (also known as Aloe Barbadensis Miller or Aloe Vera Barbadensis) contains more than 200 different active substances – some of which extremely rare in nature – giving us through its juice and gel a plethora of precious elements:
Vitamins – vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene – a precursor of vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12
Trace minerals – magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, chromium, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and selenium
Amino acids – Aloe Vera contains 7 out of the 8 amino acids that are of primary importance for our body and 18 out of the 22 considered secondary
Saccharides – Aloe Vera contains monosaccharides and polysaccharides, simple and complex carbohydrate molecules otherwise known as dietary fiber that enhance digestion and improve the absorption of nutrients
Enzymes – act as biochemical catalysts that break down the proteins we eat into amino acids, enabling our body cells to function efficiently
Sterols – block cholesterol absorption in the intestine, thus helping to reduce cholesterol in humans
Saponins – antimicrobial substances that fight against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and yeasts
Lignins – a major structural material of cellulose content that conveys Aloe gel the ability to penetrate deeply into the skin
Anthraquinone – a phenolic compound that has detoxifying and antiseptic properties
Salicylic acid – an aspirin-like compound with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti antibacterial properties
Here is a list of Aloe Vera juice benefits that hopefully will inspire you to use Aloe plant on a daily basis.
Aloe Vera Juice Benefits

Photo by Ton Rulkens from Mozambique [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Aloe Vera juice is a drink for internal use that consists of at least 50% of the pulped Aloe gel extracted from Aloe Vera leaves.
The health benefits of Aloe Vera juice are numerous and easy to obtain by drinking 60ml (1/4 cup) of Aloe Vera juice daily.
Adding Aloe Vera juice to your diet is quite simple and easy to do. Making your own Aloe Vera juice at home is a simple skill you can easily acquire to ensure that consumption of Aloe Vera juice becomes a daily habit.
1. Aloe Vera juice benefits for cancer
Aloe Vera juice prevents the processes that convert the chemicals found in tobacco into carcinogens. Various research studies are underway to explore the potential of the components to boost to treat certain types of cancer (particularly leukemia).
2. Aloe Vera juice acts as anti-inflammatory agent
Aloe Vera juice includes twelve natural substances that reduce inflammation without any side effects. Aloe Vera anti-inflammatory benefits include joint and muscle mobility.
3. Aloe Vera juice benefits for the immune system
One polysaccharide found in Aloe Vera, acemannan, produces immune agents such as interferon and interleukin which help destroy viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungus and tumor cells.
4. Aloe Vera juice benefits for the nervous system
Aloe Vera is often used in combination with chamomile, kava kava, and passion flower to reduce the effects of stress and fight insomnia.
5. Aloe Vera juice benefits for stomach health and detoxification
Aloe Vera juice revitalizes the digestive function and fights disorders like acid reflux, constipation and indigestion. Aloe Vera colon cleanse properties have lead to the production of special colon cleanse tablets that contain Aloe Vera concentrate combined with various amounts other ingredients which help remove the toxins that build up around the inner walls of the colons, cleansing them and preventing digestive problems.
6. Aloe Vera juice benefits for heart health
Aloe Vera Juice helps prevent cardiovascular diseases by reducing high blood pressure and cholesterol. Aloe Vera contains B – sitosterol, a powerful component that helps maintain cholesterol at low levels.
7. Aloe Vera juice benefits for diabetes
Aloe Vera juice can help with diabetes by reducing triglyceride, sugar and lipid levels in the blood. Patients should speak with their physician if they are already taking any medication related to diabetes. Physicians will usually monitor blood sugar levels during the course of using Aloe Vera to ensure that glucose levels don’t drop below the required levels.
8. Aloe Vera juice benefits for oral health
Aloe Vera eliminates bacteria that result in gum diseases, cleanses and soothes teeth and gums, cures gingivitis and removes plaque .
9. Aloe Vera juice benefits for osteoarthritis and prevents asthma
By reducing inflammation throughout the body Aloe Vera juice soothes muscle and skeletal pain. The analgesic properties of Aloe Vera are due to salicylic acid and anthraquinones. These chemicals not only help in relieving pain but also fight infections. Some compounds in Aloe Vera cause an increase in the removal of particles that may be asthma triggers.
10. Aloe Vera juice general health benefits
Aloe Vera provides a mix of vitamins and minerals which act in synergy to promote enhanced beneficial effects on overall health.
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